Mango Tree and Bamboo grew up together. One day, Mango Tree asked Bamboo.
“Bamboo, why are you so thin? Look at me. My trunk is big and strong.”
“Mango, I may be thin but I am not weak.”
“Are you sure you are not weak? Besides, what help do you give to people? You don’t bear fruit.”
“I may not bear fruit, but people love to eat my shoots.”
“You don’t give mush shade. Look at me. People want to rest under my shade.”
“People use me in building their house, bridges, and many things.”
“If they always do that, there will be nothing left of you.”
“I thank the Lord for what He has given me. I believe each of us has something to do for others.”
That night, a strong wind came. Mango Tree stood proudly against the wind. But Bamboo bent his head and bowed to the wind. The storm stopped in the morning. The mango tree was rooted. But Bamboo was still standing.
“Thank you, Lord for saving me from the storm.”
Do not be too proud. Everybody ahs a purpose why they live, everyone is special in their own simple way.
3 comments:'s so cute and inspiring^^
it's true...
we must be HUMBLE all the time...
Stupid pride huh!?
tnx for diz..
i really need tis for my literature subject..thank you !
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